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October 24, 2020 at 1:32 am

Offsite backups refer to the practice of storing backup copies of important data and information in a location that is physically separate from your website where the original data resides. This is done to ensure that if there is a disaster that damages or destroys the primary site, the backup data will still be available and can be used to restore your website to its original glory.

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On-site & Off-site Data Backup Solutions

In order to keep data secure, most professionals prefer to make a backup. While we do not have exact statistics for Vancouver and Abbotsford in particular, only 23% of Canadians back up their files 1-2 times per year. This is very helpful when there is a system malfunction or if a virus infects their data set. If the data is lost, then the employees can just refer to the backup instead of incurring costs for data recovery. However, there are two primary kinds of backups; On-Site & Off-Site. Most people prefer an offsite data backup solution due to its several advantages. One of the key benefits is that employees can store data in the cloud and do not have to rely on fallible, physical devices such as disks and drives to retrieve data. These types of storage sites are housed in a separate location, which is why data remains safer.

Differences between Onsite and Offsite Backup Solutions

    Onsite backups are basic storage systems such as drives and disks, that remain near the production location. It is helpful in certain situations where the company cannot invest much, to use On-Site backups exclusively. Not only do On-Site backups offer the benefit of fast transfer speeds, but they also aren’t reliant on an internet connection to function. Therefore, they are very easy to use. Of course, On-Site backups have some disadvantages with respect to safety & security. For instance, in the case of a natural disaster, On-Site backups can easily get damaged. Similarly, On-Site backups are easy to lose, and can be stolen. The disadvantages for On-Site backups are the the driving force behind why Off-Site data backup solutions exist.

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On-site Data Backup Solutions

Off-Site backups are slower compared to their On-Site counterparts. Off-site backups also require an internet connection for smooth functioning, which is why they are less versatile. However, when it comes to safety, Off-Site data backup solutions are definitely the way to go. Off-Site backups store data over wide area networks or in the Cloud, which makes it very difficult for black hat hackers to steal data. Users of Off-Site backups can also put several security measures in place to protect their data from malware and virus infection. Since these Off-Site data backup solutions do not stay at one physical location, users and employees can access data from it at any time and any place, which makes it very convenient.

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Offsite Data Backup Solutions

How to create Off-Site Backups?

    There are two major offsite data backup solutions for making copies of your data. One of them is the traditional method, while the other is easier and more modern.

1. Traditional Off-Site Data Backup Solutions

    The traditional method involves physical drives for Off-Site data storage. With this method, users and employees store data regularly by copying the data into separate drives. Users then store these drives away from the worksite. The method also involves using tape, although it is more complex and consumes a lot more time. The traditional method is costly, inefficient, and prevents companies from taking frequent backups. This sort of Off-Site backup often leads to human error, which costs the company in in many ways. No one wants their backup solution to be a liability to the company; therefore, most employees make use of the modern method now.

2. Modern Off-Site Data Backup Solutions

    The modern method discards drive storage and makes use of the internet to take Off-Site backups. These offsite data storage backups help the employees take data and send it over the internet to distant networks. Users can then use this data at will whenever and wherever they want. This Off-Site data backup method is less complex, quicker, and although it costs a bit to set up this system, it does not cost much for each backup. This is a benefit to the company over traditional methods. It is less prone to human error, and the companies can now take more frequent and planned backups.

Advantages of Maintaining Off-Site Data Backups

1. Access Data from Anywhere in The World

    With the only requirement being a good internet connection, users can access their Off-Site data from any place they like. It is one of the biggest advantages because companies struggle with moving physical data around. With Off-Site backups, however, not only can they keep the data secure, but they can also access it at their convenience without worrying about the type of device they are using. Although remote data access is somewhat slower, an Off-Site backup does compensate for this with increased safety measures such as encryption and cloud-based security.

2. Safety and Recovery

    On-Site backups are vulnerable to all kinds of threats. They can get damaged or lost easily. In the case of natural disasters, onsite backups are the first to get damaged and become irrecoverable. Meanwhile, offsite backups remain away from the threat and help the firm get back on its feet. Physical copies are easier to steal, and there have been many cases where confidential disk drives have fallen into the wrong hands. However, this does not happen with Off-Site data storage systems because they are properly encrypted and stored in secure cloud drives with multiple levels of security.

3. Reliability

    Off-Site systems are more reliable because they do not go through any kind of manual transfer. Most of the data is updated automatically without user interference. This cuts out the human error factor and helps firms to become more efficient. It makes data handling much easier because users can completely rely on their computer systems to do the backups for them and store all the essential files on Cloud drives. The data can also be encrypted automatically, which saves a lot of time for the company employees.

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On-site & Off-site Backup Solutions

A Few Points to Consider While Using Off-Site Data Backups

Although most of the data in Off-Site systems are safe, users must make sure that there are separate levels of data access, so that the data does not reach unqualified employees. The organization must also ensure that all employees have adequate internet facilities to access the data easily; otherwise, it takes a toll on the daily job tasks of the individual. Employees must adapt and make changes to the data with the knowledge that all of it goes to a backup storage system over the internet. Poor handling of files may cause the data to become vulnerable to threats.

With the many benefits Off-Site backups come with, it is common to see data professionals and security experts use it frequently. However, most companies prefer to use a combination of local and online storage. This helps them maintain good transfer speeds while also ensuring the safety of their precious data.

Why You Need Off-Site Backup Solutions from TSG Computer Services?

Off-Site data backups and data recovery by TSG Computer Services help you preserve physical and technical storage space, offer protection against a complete system crash or hardware failure, and help regain data in the event of a breach.

No matter which storage issue you are experiencing, the right Off-Site backup solution is worth your peace of mind. Contact us to learn about our On-Site and Off-Site data backup services and solutions.


TSG Computer Services is an Abbotsford and Vancouver-based IT Support company who specializes in Security and Solutions for Increased Productivity and has been serving the community for over 25 years. All lower mainland businesses are welcome to contact us for a free audit. Contact us now to see how we can help you.

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